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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 21st October

What a wonderful week Year 5 have had to end Term 1! Thank you to all the parents who came to see our Harvest Festival performance. Here's what we've been up to:


We have continued looking into Shackleton's crime of being a bad leader and finding more evidence. We called Shackleton to stand and questioned him on his leadership skills and why he made the decisions that he did. Then, we wrote a balanced argument in role as Shackleton where he explained the positive aspects of his leadership but also reflected honestly on the mistakes that he had made. We then reconvened in court and shared the evidence we had found (our writing) before allowing the journey to decide Shackleton's fate! Next term, we will begin a new book called 'The Jamie Drake Equation'.


In Maths this week, we have continued looking at Time. We have worked on a range of time conversions (seconds to minutes, days to week) etc. and created our own reference cards to support our learning with this. We then solved a range of different problems including different conversions. Next term, we will be looking at topic including Shape, Fractions and Measurement of Length and Mass.


This week, we have completed our first RE unit of the term 'Where did the Christian Bible come from?'. We looked at the history of the Bible, how it is made up and what it means to Christians today. Next term, we will begin our new topic 'Stargazers'.

Year 5 also visited Nethercourt this week to plant some trees organised by Thanet District Council. We labelled our trees so we can go and visit them and see them grow! 

Home Learning

Whilst we would like children and families to enjoy the October break, there is an optional Kahoot! quiz on Sir Ernest Shackleton to complete. The details are:

Game PIN: 04565586


  • As the weather is changing, please could children bring 'outdoor' shoes into school. This allows children to enjoy the field at lunchtime without bringing mud back into the school. Could parents also ensure that children are bringing jumpers and jackets/coats into school please.

  • Please can parents book an appointment for PTC online (Tues 1st and Weds 2nd November). If you are having issues booking, please see your child's class teacher to arrange a time. 

  • Next term, PE will be on MONDAY afternoons. Please could children come to school in correct kit (Black/navy hoody or jumper, plain white t shirt and black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms. 

  • Sports Project will continue to be on WEDNESDAY. Please could children come to school in uniform with trainers.

  • Monday 31st October is an Inset day. Term 2 begins on Tuesday 1st November. 

Have a lovely break! 

The Year 5 Team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695