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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 25th November 2022

Year 5 have had a another wonderful and fun-filled work. Our attitude to learning has also been fantastic! Here's what we have been up to:


In English this week, we have continued to read 'The Jamie Drake Equation' learning the very sad news that Jamie's parents are to divorce when his Dad gets back from Space as well as hearing from the 'Buzz'. Our writing tasks focused on writing persuasively. We wrote as Jamie to Professor Forster using formal language, persuasive openers and modal verbs persuading her to meet him. We then completed a persuasive Big Write of our choice (Molly wrote incredibly persuasively to Mr Mason to convince him to teach Team Ocean next year! Next week, we will begin our alien based narratives.


In Maths this week, we have be focusing on measure. We revisited how to convert between different measures of length and the skill of measuring itself before moving on to finding perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes. On Friday, we completed an investigation into perimeters and areas focusing on our Term 2 skill of trial and improvement. Next week, we will be looking at volume and capacity.


In 'Stargazers' this week, we have been completing an Art project. Firstly, we chose suitable materials (sorry to parents for the powder paint mess that covered a number of the children!) to create a piece of artwork of a nebular. We were then tasked with using a different medium to create a piece of artwork showing the Northern Lights. We compared the materials we used and gave reasons for which we thought was most effective. Next, we practised three different techniques to draw a sphere, giving reasons for the technique we felt most effective. We then used the skills we had worked on to recreate a number of famous Space images. Next week, we moving on to the Science section of 'Stargazers' , looking at the planets, the Sun and the Moon in greater detail.


Mr Abel's/Mr Mason's group: international, intergalactic, interact, interlock, intercity, intermediate, Internet, interrelate 

Miss Stagg and Mrs Comber's group: understandable, reliable, breakable, suitable, enjoyable. adorable, enviable, miserable

Miss Hayzelden's group: went, float, shout, school, fall, often, disappear

Love to Learn:

Please could the children research a planet of their choice and create a piece of artwork (in any way that they choose to) of that planet. The artwork must contain facts/information about the planet.  


  • PE will continue to be on a Monday. Please could children come to school in full school PE kit. PE will not take place on the last week of term (Monday 12th December)

  • On Wednesday, we have our additional PE time. Please could children wear full school uniform and trainers on this day. Additional PE will not take place on the last week of term (Wednesday 14th December) 

  • Christmas Lantern Festival – Tuesday 29th November (Please could white bags be returned to school on Monday or Tuesday) 

  •  Book Fair in school – Monday 28th November – Thursday 1st December

  •  Year 3&5 Come Dine – Friday 2nd December

  • Year 5 and 6 Christmas Production – Wednesday 14th December at 2:30

  • Christmas Parties – Thursday 15th December

  • Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner – Friday 16th December

  • Term 2 ends at 2pm – Friday 16th December

  • Term 3 begins – Wednesday 4th January

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team x 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695