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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 20th January 2023

Well done Year 5 for another fantastic week! Here is what we have been up to:


In English this week, we have continued to read our class book ‘Running on Empty’. Alongside this, we planned and wrote some persuasive pieces of writing, focussing on writing with bias. To begin the week, we wrote a persuasive piece to convince someone of the reasons to do our dream jobs. It was really interesting to hear the range of aspiring jobs across Year 5. We then wrote a persuasive letter to a café, convincing them to employ AJ’s mum, Alice, as a baker. Within our writing, we focussed on using modal verbs, persuasive sentence openers and a range of sentence structures.

Next week, we will continue to read our class text and begin to create some poetry based on this.


To begin the week, we discussed the difference between prime and composite numbers. Year 5 are now excellent at identifying prime and composite numbers up to 100! We then moved on to learn about squared and cube numbers, before applying these skills to solve an investigation. When then moved on to learn about prime and common factors, before becoming factorising experts. To finish the week, we completed our first visualising investigation.

Next week, we will be learning to add and subtract fractions with different denominators of the same multiple.


This week, we have become scientists and have conducting a range of investigations to support our understanding. We began the week by identifying the most effective thermal conductors, before moving on to investigate the most effective electrical conductors. On Thursday, we learnt the meanings of the words ‘solubility’ and ‘dissolving’, before investigating the most effective temperature for sugar to dissolve at.

Home Learning

A MyMaths task has been set on square numbers and prime numbers. We would also like the children to choose their favourite book and write a persuasive letter to their teacher, persuading them to read it. They should include a range of persuasive sentence openers, modal verbs and rhetorical questions.


Miss Hayzelden’s Group: enormous, straight, arrive, accident, dangerous

Mr Mason and Mr Abel’s Group: humorous, tremendous, courageous, anxious, obvious, outrageous

Miss Stagg and Mrs Comber’s Group: yacht, vegetable, variety, vehicle, twelfth

Important Dates and Messages

  • Thursday 26th January at 3:15 - Year 5 PaG Workshop

  • Friday 3rd February – Number Day. Children are invited to come in dressed as a rockstar, superhero or anything number related. There is no expectation for children to buy a costume for this event.

  • Friday 10th February – Last day of term 3. Children will finish school at the usual time of 3:15.

  • Our PE day is a Wednesday. Please can children come to school dressed in their school PE kit on this day.

  • Our sports project day is Tuesday. Please can children come into school on this day in full school uniform but with trainers.

  • Please encourage your child to read regularly at home and quiz using Accelerated Reader. Children should be reading for at least ten minutes four times a week.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The Year 5 Team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695