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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 31st March 2023

Year 5 have had an excellent term. Thank you so much for all of the fantastic efforts for Greek Day, the children looked amazing and we hope that they had a great day to celebrate our learning this term.


In English this week, we have finished writing our Greek Myths, focusing on weaving action and dialogue to make our writing more interesting. We then published these in our best books for the first time, which we were very excited about.

Next term, we will be reading our new text ‘Wolf Brother’. During the first week, we will be using figurative language to describe the bear and the bear attack that takes place in the first chapter.


This week, we have been revising how to use written methods to solve multiplication and division problems. We were really impressed with the children’s resilience when multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, as this is a very tricky concept.

During the first week back after Easter, our learning will be focussed around place value, including counting up in powers of 10 and reading roman numerals.

Thematic Curriculum

During the afternoon, we have been making our own Greek CAM toys in our Design Technology (DT) lessons. We have measured accurately, used a range of equipment and evaluated our own work critically using vocabulary appropriate for designers. We then celebrated our Greek day by trying lots of traditional Greek food, such as olives and tzatziki, and learning an ancient Greek dance.

Next term, we will be learning about the seaside, making comparisons and contrasts between Ramsgate in the present day and the past. We will also be beginning a new PSHE unit ‘Be Here, Be You, Belong’ to celebrate us as individuals.

Home Learning

Over Easter, we would love for children to make sure that they are reading and quizzing on Accelerated Reader or on MyOn. Children know their logins for these sites so can access these on any device. It would also be great for children to interview an older relative or family friend that have lived in Ramsgate their whole life to gather information about what Ramsgate was like in the past.

Important Messages

  • Next term, PE will continue to be on a Friday. Children should come to school in PE kit on this day.

  • Sports project will continue to be on a Wednesday. Please can children come to school in full school uniform and trainers on this day.

  • Term 5 will begin on Monday 17th April.

  • Friday 5th May 2023 – Red, white and blue day for the coronation

  • Term 5 ends – Friday 26th May at normal time


We hope you have a lovely Easter!

The Year 5 team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695