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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 28th April 2023

It's been a wonderful second week in year 5. Everybody has been putting in fantastic effort and producing some wonderful work.


In English this week, we have been continuing to read our book Wolf Brother, writing newspaper reports about the horrific Demon Bear attack on Fa and Torak. We focused on skills such as formal language, direct and reported speech and using relative clauses.

Next week we will be writing non-chronological reports. 


This week, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction decimal numbers. We were able to apply our place value knowledge to help us correctly line up the numbers and accurately answer the equations. We also remembered to put in placeholders if the numbers we added and subtracted had empty place value columns. Next week we will be recapping multiplication and division.


This week we started our thematic curriculum unit 'Seaside'. For our hook, we walked down to Ramsgate seafront and asked some of the locals about their opinions on the town and how it has changed over the years. Whilst down on the beach, we carried out our Art Part. We used photography to recreate famous paintings of the seaside, capturing some wonderful images. Next, we discussed the changes that have occurred since the Victorian times.  

Home Learning

For your home learning this week, we would like you to paint a picture of the seaside. Use other artwork as inspiration and try to create your image when visiting the beach rather than from memory. 

Viking Games

After a Covid enforced hiatus, we are pleased to announce the return of the Viking Games!

The Year 5/6 Viking Games will be held on Monday 22nd May at Upton Primary School. Children will need to arrive at school at 8:30am to walk to Ramsgate Train Station to catch the train to Upton. Children should come to school in their PE kits on the day with a t-shirt in their house colour if possible, with trainers. If the weather is hot, children should bring a hat, wear sun cream and have a water bottle with them. If it turns out to be a chilly day, jogging bottoms and a jumper will be needed! Children in Years 3 – 6 will also need a packed lunch as they will eat at Upton. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, a lunch will be provided.


- Please could parents ensure that children are attending school in the correct school uniform and, on Fridays, in the correct PE kit.

- WEDNESDAYS remain our Sports Project day. Please could children attend school in normal school uniform with trainers.

- Wednesday 3rd May is non-school uniform for Vikings after their triumphant house point win this term

- Friday 5th May is Red, White and Blue day. Please come in wearing these three colours to celebrate the King's coronation. 

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend.

The Year 5 team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695