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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 12th May 2023

Well done to Year 5 for another wonderful week's learning! 


This week, Year 5 have continued reading 'Wolf Brother' with Torak continuing on his quest to find the Nanuaks and reach the Mountain of the World Spirit. In our English, we focused on emotive language and fronted adverbials when writing diary entries and a monologue as Torak showing his overwhelming emotions about the loss of Fa, his quest and his relationships with Renn and Wolf. Next week, we will be writing a narrative where we write our own versions of the ending of Wolf Brother. 


This week, we have studied Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We looked at how to convert decimals to fractions and vice versa before completing our own investigation to find different percentages. Next week, we will be continuing to look at Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, diving deeper into Percentages and converting them to and from Fractions and Decimals. 


In our afternoons this week, we have studied some different coast case studies from the UK as part of our 'Seaside' Thematic unit. We looked at the similarities and differences between the coasts at Giant's Causeway, Blakeney, Slapton and the Fens and the reasons for their changes. Next week, we will look at different coastal management methods. In our PSHE 'Be Here, Be You, Belong' session, we looked at the importance of being part of the school community. We visited Reception and worked collaboratively in small groups creating a piece of artwork about Chilton and what it means to us. Year 5 have also been working through their termly French and Computing units. 

Home Learning

For Home Learning this week, please could children think about the different local communities (church, sports clubs, Brownies etc.) that they are in/have been in and create a presentation/display/other creative way of presenting etc. about them and why they are important to them.

Viking Games

The Year 5/6 Viking Games will be held on Monday 22nd May at Upton Primary School. Children will need to arrive at school READY TO LEAVE AT 8:30am to walk to Ramsgate Train Station to catch the train to Upton. Children should come to school in their PE kits on the day with a t-shirt in their house colour if possible, with trainers. If the weather is hot, children should bring a hat, wear sun cream and have a water bottle with them. If it turns out to be a chilly day, jogging bottoms and a jumper will be needed! Children in Years 3 – 6 will also need a packed lunch as they will eat at Upton. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, a lunch will be provided.


- Please could parents ensure that children are attending school in the correct school uniform and, on Fridays, in the correct PE kit.

- WEDNESDAYS remain our Sports Project day. Please could children attend school in normal school uniform with trainers.

Have a wonderful weekend.

The Year 5 team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695