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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 24.11.23

The children have worked very hard this week, showing a thirst for knowledge and a desire to push themselves as hard as possible with their learning. We have seen some brilliant writing, superb mathematics skills and have thoroughly enjoyed our study of the planets that make up or solar system. Great work year 5!


This week in our English lessons, we have been writing persuasive pieces based on our book ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’. We have been using rhetorical questions, emotive language and persuasive language and phrases to write letters from Jamie and his father who is working in the ISS and tried to convince NASA to send a year 5 pupil into space!


We have been focusing on perimeter and area this week in maths. We recapped how to calculate perimeter and how measuring the sides of a quadrilateral can help us calculate the area. Next, looked at estimating the area of irregular shapes.

Thematic Curriculum

For our Thematic learning, we have been studying the planets of our solar system. We researched the planet we were allocated, then with the knowledge we gained, we presented our research to the class. We spoke about our planet’s relationship to the sun, the earth and spoke about its conditions. We were all amazed by the depth of knowledge we gained and presented. We also scaled the solar system and tried to fit it on the playground. We found this a difficult task, as although Mercury was only 40cm away from the sun, Neptune was a whopping 140m!

Home Learning

For our home learning, we would like you to measure the perimeter and calculate the area of your bedroom. Please feel free to measure any rooms in your house, your garden or any other space you would like to.

Other News

- Year 3 and 5 Come Dine With Me is on Wednesday 29th November 

- Top Up PE is on a WEDNESDAY. Please can children come to school in their uniform wearing suitable trainers.

- PE is on a MONDAY in Term 2. Please can children come to school wearing (correct and suitable) PE kit. The children will be doing outdoor adventure activities, so please make sure they are wearing suitable outdoor clothing for the whole term.

- Guitars are on a Thursday. Children are welcome to bring guitars from home provided they are acoustic and have a case. 

Have a great weekend!

Dates for the Diary:

Tuesday 12th December - Year 5&6 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church 10:00

Wednesday 13th December - Christmas Fair 3:15-4:45

Thursday 14th December - KS2 Christmas Parties (children can wear their own clothes)

Friday 15th December - Christmas Jumper Day (just for fun) and Christmas dinner. School ends at 2pm (no after school club).

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695