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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 08.12.23

Chilton's Christmas Events:

Monday 11th December 

  • Year 1 Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start

Tuesday 12th December 

  • Year 5&6 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 10:00

  • Reception, Year 1 and 2 Christmas Parties - children can wear their own clothes to school (sensible footwear please)

  • Year 3&4 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 2:00

Wednesday 13th December 

  • Year 2 Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start

  • Christmas Fair (on the field) 3:15-4:45

Thursday 14th December 

  • Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas Parties - children can wear their own clothes to school (sensible footwear please)

Friday 15th December 

  • Christmas Jumper Day (just for fun - wear a festive jumper, top or t-shirt with usual uniform) and Christmas Dinner. School ends at 2pm (no after school club).


We are very close to the end of Skellig - we are beginning to work out who (or what) he actually is.  Next week, we hope to watch the film, which is PG rating.  Please let your child's teacher know if you would not like your child watching it.  We used a range of sentence openers to write our own final chapter - writing 3 different openers to engage the reader.  Beginning with description, dialogue or action all have a variety of impact depending on where we, as writers, want the story to go.  For our Reading For Pleasure session, we blacked out a random text to create poetry.  We were all rather surprised at how effective (and different) they all were.  It also helped us to see that poetry does not have to include rhyme to sound successful.




In Maths this week, we have been working on finding the area of 2D shapes (rectangles, triangles and parallelograms).  From this, we were able to find the area of compound / rectilinear shapes.  We were able to split these shapes in different ways to make squares and oblongs.  This made it easier to work out the area.


We have now completed our learning of 'My Home, My Country' and revisited our Big Question: Is it ever OK to invade another country.  Before completing an adaptive quiz on it, we had another Big Fat Quiz, working with our Sports Slam to find the answers.  It was pleasing to see that the children had remembered their learning this term.  To finalise our geography learning and to apply our study of maps, we walked around our local area by walking up to Chalk Hill.  Here, we found the area of nearby fields by tracing around the length and widths of them.  We could then determine the physical features of our local community space.  We also looked at England using Google Earth and could see that most of the land was made up of fields.  We addressed the next question: was this a good thing?  We had a lovely, in depth discussion at this point focusing on environmental issues.



Love to Learn

Please log on to Myon as there is a reading task set for you.  There are two reading tasks; you only have to do one (but can do both if you wish!) Log on to MyOn here .  The children's username and password is thr same as their AR log in details.

Other news

On Wednesday 13th December we will be having our Christmas Fair from 3.20-5. As part of this, we need some voluntary donations from our community. On Tuesday 12th December, please can we ask you to send in the following donations with your child:

-KS1 – Bring a bottle for the tombola 

-KS2 – Bring a gift for the raffle. We ask the children bring a gift that matches their house colour e.g. if they are a red Roman, they donate a red gift and so on. We will also be running a ‘Take home a Teddy’ stall. 

-If you have any good quality, unwanted cuddly toys please also send them into school on Tuesday 12th December to be used on this stall. 

-Lastly, we will also be running our traditional ‘White Bag’ stall. All children will bring home a white bag on Friday 8th December (today). We ask that your child decorates the bag, and you pop a small gift inside (sweets, notepad, pens, small toy etc). Can this also be returned to school on Tuesday 12th December.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695