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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 22.03.24


This week, we have been working on our understanding of 2D shape and their properties.  By knowing that angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, we have been able to find missing angles.  We also learned that angles in a straight line total 180 degrees, angles at a point are 360 degrees and opposite angles are the same.  As well as this, we studied Z angles: angles on opposing parallel lines, which are the same.  Next week, we will review fractions, decimals and percentages.  We will also interpret pie charts and construct our own before solving problems using pie charts.  Using the data to analyse them, we will find the mean from a pie chart.


In our text, Kensuke's Kingdom, we have read that Michael has settled on a desert island after falling overboard from his boat but he is not alone on the island...

We wrote in role showing emotive language and used characterisation to help the reader understand each person in a narrative.  Towards the end of the week, we created a flashback focussing on present, past and back to present tense.  In our spelling lessons, we learned the rules for pluralising nouns and used beans to spell them out.  We had fun listening to a rap before writing and performing our own to help us spell words ending in f and fe (calf becomes calves). In our Reading for Pleasure session this week, the children focused on poetry and read and performed the poem - Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen.  Chocolate cake did make an appearance! 






As historians, we have scrutinised the impact of the war, learning that rationing went on until 1954.  We learned that the war had a huge effect on most people and, as a result, the United Nations was set up as an organisation to fight for peace around the world.  We also discussed the consequences for many Nazis in what was the Nuremburg Trials. 

In our extra PE lesson on Thursday, we were introduced to 4 square - formally known as Kingball - and we used our throwing and catching skills to play the ball into another person's grid.  This is a fun, fast-paced game that everyone can play.  The teachers were very impressed that the children understood how find the space as well as defend their own.  The children play incredibly well together and were able to congratulate each other at the end of the matches.




Next week is RE Week: children will learn that recognising to express faith involves feelings and emotions.  We will describe a range of emotions, expressions and gestures to show emotions, making links to our own experiences.  We will also understand how drama is used to reinforce important teachings and stories in religion.  

Home Learning

1) We would like the children to make a poster about the spelling rules that they have been learning over the last two weeks – pluralising nouns. We have attached a resource to help the children to remember!

2) We have also set another MyOn reading challenge.  The book is called Endangered Rainforests.  The children can read this on Myon and then take a quiz on the text.

Important dates and messages

-25th March Come Dine with me for Year 6 parents

-28th March Vikings non school uniform reward

-28th March Easter Egg Hunt

-28th March Last Day (normal finish time)



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695