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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Information Sent Home


Please see below copies of information and messages sent out via email & through


Thursday 16th January

Message for Reception parents - Reception children will be tasting a selection of Chinese food on Friday 14th February.

We are asking for a contribution towards the cost of the food of £3.60 per child. This can be paid via the MCAS app under outstanding payments.

Many thanks.

Wednesday 15th January

Message for Year 2 parents -  As part of our thematic topic 'The Harbour' this term the children will be learning how Ramsgate has changed over time. The children will be recognising similarities and differences between past and present Ramsgate. They will be learning about 2 significant events that happened in Ramsgate in the past – why the harbour is called The Royal Harbour and about The Little Ships. We will be visiting the harbour and identifying any changes we have noticed from past pictures and looking around the area. 

Please click here to give permission for your child to attend the trip to Ramsgate Harbour

Message for Year 5 parents -  Dear families of Year 5,

The pupils in Year 5 have been invited to see the Chatham and Clarendon House Grammar School’s performance of Matilda on Wednesday 5th February. This is a free event.

We will be leaving school at 8.35am and walking to the event. Your child will need to arrive promptly that day to allow us enough time to get to the performance on time. Please ensure your child wears comfortable shoes (trainers are allowed) and also brings a coat. We will be walking there and back, regardless of the weather. We will back in time for our normal lunch time.

There will be an opportunity for the children to buy an ice lolly during the interval. This is optional. If you would like your children to purchase an ice lolly, please send them in with £1 in a named envelope on the day. Alternatively, they may bring a snack in their pockets to eat during the interval. No sweets please.

If your child is attending the Young Voices trip on the same day, they will be supervised until they leave.

Monday 13th January

Please find a Viking Holiday Club save the date flyer posted at the bottom of the page.

Friday 10th January

Dear Families,

We are aware that Christmas can be an extremely expensive time of year and one of our parents had an idea that we thought may help some families next year. If anyone has any Christmas jumpers that they no longer want, we ask that you send them into school next week. We will then keep hold of them until the Christmas fair 2025, where they will be available for families who may need them. If you have any donations to make, please send them into school by Friday 17th January.

Thursday 9th January

Please find a Number Day 2025 letter posted to the bottom of the page.

Tuesday 7th January

Message for Year 4 parents -  Year 4 swimming lessons begin tomorrow. Please can Year 4 come to school in PE kit tomorrow with their swimming items (including swimming hat) in a separate bag. Many thanks.

Friday 3rd January:

Happy New Year! We are back for Term 3 on Monday 6th January, 7:30 for Breakfast Club and 8:30 classroom doors open.

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695