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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News Team Cyan and Team Turquoise w/b Monday 17th January

Year 2 have had another fantastic week filled with learning!

In Guided reading this week, we began by predicting the story of our new book Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin. After reading this book, we role played key parts of the story thinking about how Rapunzel and the witch would be feeling during the story. We also freeze framed parts of the book and had to guess which part of the story the rest of the class were freeze framing with their learning partners.

In English, we have been reading our new book Rapunzel and exploring the characters. We made our own Rapunzel and the witch and then came up with lots of excellent adjectives to describe the characters. We challenged the children throughout the week to use more adventurous adjectives to improve their writing. We were so impressed with everyone’s writing this week! Next week, we will be writing setting descriptions and continuing to focus on using adjectives to then re-write an alternative story at the end of the week.

In maths this week, we began the week by consolidating addition using column method from last week. The children are now so confident at using the column method with regrouping. We then moved onto subtraction using the column method. The children have been working so hard and are excellent at using the column method now for addition and subtraction.
We will continue to practise using the column method to subtract next week too.



We continued our new topic, Passion for Fashion, this week and produced some fantastic artwork designing our own trousers using the knowledge we learnt last week.

We then became scientists. We investigated if material shapes could be changed by stretching, twisting, bending and squashing them. We tested this with plastic bottles, play dough, pipe cleaners and lots of different materials. On Friday, we investigated which material would be best suited to be used for a t-shirt. 
Next week, we will be starting design and technology and learning how to join fabrics in different ways and exploring different finishing’s of products.

Love to Learn

This week, we would love for you to carry out your own investigation at home!



Dates coming up...

- On Friday 4th February it is the NSPCC Number Day! On this day we ask the children come dressed into school in something number themed! This could be a numbered top, make yourself into a number, anything to do with numbers! We will be having a full fay of Maths learning :)

- On Friday 11th February, we will be celebrating children's mental health day. Children are invited to 'dress to express', wearing bright colours to school. 

- The Rotary Art competition, there is still time to take part! :) 

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Howell and Miss Davey 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695