Weekly News! 15.12.2023

What a fantastic and festive last week of term this has been! We are so proud of the children for how hard they have worked this term and thank you so much to everyone who was able to join us for our Christmas performance at the Church on Tuesday. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and cannot wait to see you all in the New Year.
In English this week we have been enjoying some Christmas poetry. We began the week by reading the poem ‘Peeking Through the Curtains’ before identifying the rhythm throughout. We then created our own Christmas themed shape poems, focussing on using vocabulary to create rhythm. We then moved on to read the poem ‘T’was the Night Before Christmas’ and identified the rhyming pattern used by the poet. We then created our own versions of the poem to reflect our own Christmas traditions, using rhyming couplets.
Next term we will be studying three different texts by the author Anthony Browne. We will focus on writing from viewpoint to write letters and diary entries to reflect the characters thoughts and feelings.
This week in Maths we have learnt what scaling is and applied it to real-life experiences. We discussed how we could use scaling when cooking if we needed to change a recipe to cater for more or less people. We then had to apply this learning to bake our own Christmas cookies!
Next term we will be learning how to use a part-part-whole model to partition, order and compare numbers up to 1,000.
Fact of the Week
Next week our fact of the week is:
9 X 3 = 27
This week we have been learning about Hinduism. We learnt about Diwali and why Hindus celebrate this festival and how.
Next term, we will begin the term with PSHE lessons to learn about our Champion of Courage, Jelena Dokic.
Love to Learn
Your Love to Learn next term is to watch lots of festive films, spend time with your loved ones, eat lots of festive food and have the best Christmas ever!
School starts at normal time on Wednesday 3rd January.
Please can children bring in wellies for use at lunch time on the field.
Sports Project is on a FRIDAY next term – please wear trainers and school uniform.
PE is a THURSDAY next term – please send children to school in full school PE kit on this day.