W/B 23rd Septmber 2022

Important notices:
Cross Country Competition – 8th October
Year 5/6 Harvest Assembly – Friday 21st October (in the school hall)
Home Learning – Due in by Thursday 6th October
We would like the children to research what foods are in season/grown in England this time of year and what they are used for! The children will be using their researched knowledge in class on Thursday afternoon to write a piece for our Year 5/6 Harvest Assembly that will be on 21st October. The children can present their learning in any way that wish (poster, a written piece, artwork, a PowerPoint or a video). If sending in a video or PowerPoint, please email this to your child’s class teacher.
The children should be reading daily at home and their reading record should be handed into their teacher in the morning.
This week the children have read more of our class text Floodland. We explored how action weaved within a setting description and how our writing needed powerful verbs and ambitious adjectives. We also spent time drawing a scene from the text adding key vocabulary that would help our writing. The children have spent time this week understanding compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions.
Next Week
Next week the children will be learning to describe a character and how they can show character traits in their description and speech. They will explore these new writing skills using drama and inference. The children will revisit complex sentences next week using subordinating conjunctions.
This week the children revisited subtraction. They used resources (base ten) to show their understanding when they need to exchange before moving on to the formal method of subtracting. The children moved on by exploring subtraction word problems and finished the week discussing how to work systematically in maths.
Next week the children will be moving on to multiplying. They will: multiply by 10,100 and 1000, learn more about multiples, factors and lastly halving and doubling.
This week we learnt about the Vikings: where they came from, important Viking leaders and how they travelled. The children finished the week by making Viking Long Boats!
Next week, the children will learn about the Normans: when and where they arrived and how they conquered.
Helen.rowland-hill@chiltonprimary.co.uk - Team Sapphire
Dave.wheeler@chiltonprimary.co.uk – Team Cornflower
Carol.isaac@chiltonprimary.co.uk – Team Carol
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