Weekly learning w/b 15.05.23

Important messages
- A reminder that the Viking Games for Year 6 will be held on Monday 22nd May. We will be leaving school at 08:40 to be able to catch the train to Upton Junior School at 09:25. We will be eating lunch whilst there so children will need to bring a packed lunch with them. Children will need to wear PE kits, which includes trainers, shorts or joggers and their House colour T-shirt or a plain T-shirt. If it will be hot, please provide sun cream for your child and a hat. If it will be cooler or raining, a jumper and coat is recommended. Water and a snack should also be brought.
- The Colour Run will take place on the last day of term (next Friday). Please can children wear old clothes to school that day (or clothes that you won't mind ruined). As well as this, bring a full change of clothes, a towel and a plastic bag for messy clothes to go in.
This week, the children have been learning how to interpret and construct their own pie charts. As a hook, we used sweets as a way to demonstrate how they work:
The children were able to interpret existing pie charts and answer questions about the data. Towards the end of the week, we constructed our own pie charts using protractors. On Thursday, we collected our own information and then created pie charts from the results.
In English, we have begun our new text: Rose Blanche. This is a powerful book about World War II. Children were introduced to the first page, which shows the people of Germany being very optimistic as their soldiers head off for war. The children wrote a poster advertising a speech from the mayor and described the scene using figurative language.
Our thematic lessons have focused on researching the Second World War. The children learnt about rationing, evacuation, Dig For Victory, Black outs and Air Raid shelters. On Friday, the children visited the Ramsgate tunnels and learnt how 500 bombs were dropped on Ramsgate in 5 minutes; it was the tunnels that saved many people. We also visited the beach as a lovely treat for all of our hard work recently!
Next week, the children will be writing a biography about Hitler, finding out about how the Second World War evolved and what caused it to begin in the first place. In Maths, we will continue with statistics by interpreting and creating bar and line graphs from given results. From this, we will also find the mean and mode of a set of data.
For Love to Learn this week, please log into mymaths as there is a task set for you. This will be due in next Friday.