W/C 13/11/2023

Dates to remember:
The children will be walking to the Viking Ship on Wednesday 22nd Nov. Please can children wear their trainers (it is their Sports Slam Day) and that they come to school with a coat. The children will be completing some activities linked to their Thematic Curriculum lessons about the Vikings. They will be able to take a snack and water with them.
This week the children read more of their class text - Skellig - and spent time planning a dream sequence scene. The children worked hard to include simple, compound and complex sentences. Next week Year 6 will be writing in role as Michael and learning how to use past and present tenses correctly.
Year 6 spent time understanding fractions of shape and fractions of amounts. The children then worked to change improper fractions to mixed numbers. Next week the children will be simplifying fractions, ordering and comparing and then adding and subtracting fractions. Our times table of the week was 7 x 7 = 49. Next week it will be 7x8=56.
This week the children have been learning about kindness. As a year group, Kent Police visited the children on Thursday to talk about bullying, banter and kindness. The children have been reminded of what to do if they experience or witness unkindness.
Thematic Curriculum
Next week the children will return to their Topic – My Home, My Country and will learn more about the Vikings. They will learn about the Viking invasion and will use sources to evaluate their findings.
Home Learning:
Maths Home Learning - This week we would like the children to complete an information guide on how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number and how to change a mixed number to an improper fraction. Please see the video if your child needs help with this.
Spellings Home Learning – Spelling sh words using ti and ci.
Home Learning – Reading – All children in KS2 are expected to read 4 x per week and to bring their reading records into school daily.
Rewards are given for all home learning tasks completed.