Weekly News 09.02.24

Important Messages
A message from Mrs. Walker, Art Lead:
Rotary club art competition
Children have been invited to enter the Rotary Club Art competition. The theme this year is ‘rebuilding’, and children can create a piece of art which represents what this means to them.
It is a 2D art competition with art entered being up to a maximum of A2 unframed, using any medium eg pen & ink, paint, collage, print making or digital formats.
Children need to write a brief sentence to explain the link to the theme and enter this along with your piece of art and the entry form.
On the entry form you will need to tick which level the child’s age falls into-
Junior- up to and including 10 years old.
Intermediate- 11 to 13 years old.
Mrs Walker will be collecting all entrants on Friday 23rd February - please get in touch with her if you are interested.
Important Dates:
Saturday 2nd March – KS2 Cross Country at Quex
Monday 4th March – National Offer Day for Year 6 Secondary places
Thursday 7th March – World Book Day (more information to follow)
Thursday 7th March – Autism workshop in school hall 9:00
Monday 11th March - Science day (More information to follow)
Monday 11th – Thursday 14th March – Book Fair in school
Friday 15th March – Red Nose Day - Wear something funny for money
Friday 15th March – Parent Book Look 3:15 for Parent-Teacher Consultations
Monday 18th – Thursday 21st March – Parent-Teacher Consultations – dates and times coming soon
Thursday 21st March – Rock Your Socks Day in support of Down Syndrome Awareness
Monday 25th March – Come Dine With Me for Reception & Year 6
Thursday 28th March – Easter Egg Hunts
Thursday 28th March – Term 4 ends (normal time @3:15)
Friday 29th March – Good Friday
Monday 15th March - Term 5 begins
This week, we have worked hard to help understand the connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. From this, we have been able to convert between each. We also focussed on what percentage actually represents: out of 100! We used our number bonds knowledge to solve percentage problems.
We have absolutely loved the gripping commentary of Sir David Attenborough's 'Snakes Versus Iguana'. By watching the video and building our vocabulary, we created our own written commentary of the tense scene. We learnt about a range of hyphenated words (death-defying, ill-fated, spine-tingling, etc...) and tried to add some into our work. On Friday, we used the tone of our voices to present the commentary.
It was a real treat to visit the Mosque in Margate on Tuesday. The children were incredibly respectful and asked many questions to consolidate their learning of Islam. From this, we learnt about Muslims' beliefs and what their core values are. This included learning about the Five Pillars of Islam before focussing on the pilgrimage to Mecca (the Hajj). The children created their own Kabaa or represented the Hajj in their own way. They also learnt about Mohammad (pbuh) and wrote in role after the angel Gabriel spoke to him.