Little ones join Chilton primary
The big adventure is under way for young children starting life at Chilton Primary in Ramsgate.
Pupils aged four and five years old are being eased into life at ‘big school’ with smiles, fun and friendship.

They began their educational pathway with stay and play sessions with their parents and a teddy bears’ picnic at the end of last summer term to establish the transition from nursery in a gentle way.

Children and parents have also enjoyed a one-to-one session with their class teachers so they could get to know the team on a personal and friendly basis.

Head of School Alex McAuley said: “In the first week we focused on positive relationships and forming friendships. The children have got to know the staff and each other, and gain confidence in their new environment.

“They are already showing the ‘Chilton Way’ and are part of our Chilton family.”
Deputy Head of School Hannah Cheshire highlighted the new pupils’ work programme. She said: “This term they will start to learn their basic literacy and numeracy skills, focusing on knowing their sounds and counting.

“We know how important play is to the children’s development and in this transitional period from nursery, play takes a central role in the children’s daily learning diet.

“Forthcoming topic work will be Marvellous Me where our children will explore themselves, their families and their immediate school and social communities.

“Judging by the smiles and positive happy atmosphere in their two groups, they have settled in extremely well.”

The Reception classes with 30 children each are Team Ocean with teacher Mrs Walker and Team Sky with teacher Mrs Dudley-Smith.