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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 2nd September

Welcome to Reception!

A very warm welcome to Reception and the first blog of the year! We will upload a blog at the end of each week which will outline the learning we have covered in school that week and will include photos of what the children have been doing. We will also list key dates and important information on the weekly blog, so please do read it each week! As this is the first blog, the information will also be sent home on paper - this will be the only blog we will print. 



As mentioned at the 1:1 meetings in July, the children will come to school dressed in their PE kit on PE days, which will be a Friday. PE for Reception children will start on Friday 23rd September.



Please make sure that all  uniform is named before the children start school as it makes returning lost items easier! Please ensure that the correct uniform is being worn at all times (PE kits on a Friday from 23rd September).


Water bottles

Children will need to have a named water bottle in school with fresh water each day. We can fill these up in school if they finish their bottle. Drinking water regularly is very important for children so we encourage them to drink throughout the day.


Part Time/Full Time

Week commencing Monday 5th September: children will be part time, they will come to school for either the morning or afternoon session.

Week commencing Monday 12th September: children will be full time and will have lunch at school.


School Times

When the children are full time (week starting Monday 12th September), classroom doors will open at 8:30 am and will close at 8:45am. Reception children will need to be collected at 3:10pm (slightly earlier than the rest of the school to avoid congestion outside the Reception classrooms!)


Morning routines/Building independence

When children come in to school in the mornings, book bag boxes and water bottle trays will be on the benches outside the classrooms. Please find the correct book bag box (names will be on the front of the boxes) and place your child’s book bag in there. Please make sure that water bottles are placed in the water bottle trays. As the weeks progress, you can encourage your child to do this by themselves to build their own independence. We kindly ask that you drop your child at the door and allow them to hang their coats on their pegs by themselves, as this too helps to build their independence.


Reading books

In Term 1, each child will have the opportunity to take home a class reading book from the class book corner/class library. These are to be shared at home with an adult/older sibling and can be changed as often as you like.



We believe that communication between teachers and parents is vital. We will be at the classroom door in the mornings and afternoons and will always be happy to have a quick conversation then. If you want to speak about something more in-depth, you can send an email, ask for a phone call after school or make an appointment to meet with us. Our email addresses are:


Reception Meetings

Friday 16th September at 2:45pm (in the hall) – Welcome to Reception

Friday 30th September at 2:45pm (in the hall) – Introduction to Phonics

These meetings will be recorded and shared with you if you are unable to attend.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,

Many thanks,

The EYFS Team

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695