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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 9th September

Hello and welcome to the first blog of the year! Well done to all of the children on completing their first week of school, we are super proud of how well they have settled in to the Chilton Way.

This week has focussed on building relationships, settling into our new environment and learning the Chilton Way.

Children have been getting to know one another, the adults in their classrooms and important people around the school. We have played games to learn more about each other and spent time playing and exploring.

We have toured the school, so we know where we will be spending some of our time, including the lunch hall, top field for PE and sports and the small hall where we will have our music lessons next term.

During the week, children have been practising how to show 3 good things on the carpet- good sitting, good looking and good listening. This ensures they are focussed and ready to learn.

Children now also know the school rules:

  • Be ready

  • Be respectful

  • Be safe

We use these every day to build a calm and nurturing environment for all children to feel safe and secure.

Through stories, we have taught the Chilton Values of Kindness and respect (we will be learning about equality and courage soon also.) In the reception classrooms, we have values displays where children will be recognised when demonstrating the Chilton Values.

Important messages-

  • Week commencing Monday 12th September: children will be full time and will have lunch at school, classroom doors will open at 8:30 am and will close at 8:45am. Reception children will need to be collected at 3:10pm (slightly earlier than the rest of the school to avoid congestion outside the Reception classrooms!)

  • PE for Reception children will start on Friday 23rd September.

  • Reception Meetings

Friday 16th September at 2:45pm (in the hall) – Welcome to Reception

Friday 30th September at 2:45pm (in the hall) – Introduction to Phonics

These meetings will be recorded and shared with you if you are unable to attend.

  • Your child will be coming home with some WOW moments. If your child achieves a new goal, or has worked hard on something, we would love this to be shared at school. Please fill in the WOW moment slip and bring it to school for us to share.

  • Harvest assembly will be on Monday 17th October at 9am. Further information will be sent nearer the time.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695