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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly news 03.11.23

Celebrate good times...


First week of fun and celebrations! We thank you for sending in your Love to Learn projects this week and look forward to sharing these with the classes in a couple of weeks’ time. The children’s imaginations and eagerness to learn and discover has shone through during their Power Play. We’ve seen Witches dens, potions, designing and making costumes and lists of ingredients. The teamwork and passion shines through and the children’s consistency in showing the Chilton Way is relentless.



This week is the last full week of whole class Read Write Inc and as of next Tuesday, the children will be in groups.

Please keep the pink sound books at home from now on. We do encourage you to keep practicing writing and saying the sounds at home and these books are a great tool to use for this purpose.  

This week, we have learnt the following sounds:

w- down the worm, up the worm

z- zig zag zig

x- down the arm and leg, repeat the other side.

y- down a horn, up a horn, and under his head


This week in maths, we have been learning about measure. The children have been using language such as short, long, shorter, longer, tall, short, taller and shorter to best describe objects lengths and heights. The children went to the Forest school to compare heights and lengths, using stem sentences such as ‘the stick is longer than the leaf.’

Next week, the children will be exploring numbers 6 to 10 in detail.


This week in thematic, we have been sharing our own celebrations. The children have been discussing events with their peers which they have celebrated in their life and the importance of these celebrations to them and their families. We are beginning to discuss the relevance of fireworks in different celebrations starting with the gun powder plot. Children enjoyed acting out the story of Guy Fawkes and singing the song. As bonfire night is fast approaching, we discussed the importance of keeping safe around bonfires and fireworks.


Next week, we will be learning about the Hindu festival Diwali.


Important information

Poppies will be available to purchase as of the 6th November for the week. Please bring in money if you would like your child to purchase one.

Thursday 9th November – individual photos

Friday 10th November – children are invited in to wear their service uniforms to school for Remembrance day

Friday 17th is Children in Need and in aid of this, we are asking for donations in return for wearing your pyjamas to school.

Please see letter referring to our mini bus trip and sign the consent forms promptly.


e-mail addresses

Many thanks for all your continued support,

EYFS team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695