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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 2.2.24

We have reached the penultimate week of term, and the end of our superheroes topic. And what superheroes the children have continued to be! Thank you for your amazing number day outfits and donations, they are greatly appreciated.


We continue to work on learning our set 1 sounds, and some groups have finished learning their set 2 sounds also. These special friends are especially tricky to learn as they have 2 or more letters making one sound. We provide lots of practise for children to recognise these sounds in words. Children are also beginning to learn red words, these are words which cannot be fred talked (we can’t use our sounds to segment and blend). For example was! We discuss which part of the word is being tricky and practise our speedy reading. Some red words your child might be learning include:

Please help your child to recognise these words at home.


Our learning this week has been on repeating patterns. Children have practised recognising the rules in an ABC repeating pattern and then continuing a pattern on using that rule. We then had to continue a repeating pattern on from mid unit. For example, if the pattern was red, blue yellow, the children might have to continue the pattern from red. This was tricky and we needed lots of practise not to continue the whole unit again. We then focussed on ABB patterns, continuing a pattern then creating our own.

Next week, we will continue our learning on repeating patterns including ABBC patterns.

Thematic Curriculum

This week we have focussed our learning on the story Michael Recycle, a superhero who helps a messy town clean up their act. We learnt all about how some rubbish can be recycled to make new things and not fill up our planet with rubbish. We looked at all materials which can be recycled and thought about our own rubbish, and how we could reuse a lot of it again. Children became eager to clean up their own environment, finding lots of rubbish to bin or recycle, earning themselves their own recycling badges!

To end our superhero learning, children learnt about a variety of materials we have in our environment including wood, glass, fabric, metal and plastic. Our learning was to design and make a cape for our superhero. Children decided to use fabric to make their capes, then thought of ways to decorate them using resources in the classroom. We ended our learning with a fashion walk to show off our creations.

Next week, children will be learning about Lunar New Year.


  • Love to learn books have been sent home today. Please see the following information for the children’s task:

Love to learn challenge: February Half Term

Well done and thank you so much for your amazing Superhero designs and creations – they were amazing!

At the start of next term our topic will be space!  Your challenge over half term is to find out about space. This can be any aspect of space – please follow your child’s interests.  You could look in an information book, read stories set in space, look on the internet, ask a grown up and so on.  Your child can draw pictures in their Love to Learn book or stick in pictures from the internet.  They could make a model, a collage or paint a picture.  Please return the Love to Learn challenges by Wednesday 21st February so that we can use them at the start of our topic. We would love to put some of them up on display too!

Many thanks for your support.

  • PE kits need to be worn in to school each Friday please.

  • Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.

  • All clothing to be named please!

  • Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books.


Term 3 dates:

5/2/24 – Chinese food tasting for Reception children

6/2/24 – Online safety day Children dress to express, meaning they come in whatever they like, bright clothes, sportswear, club uniforms…. whatever makes them feel happy! 

6/2/24 Curry and Quiz school fundraiser for adults (details to arrive in the New Year)  

9/2/24 - Last day of term  

19/02/24 - Term 4 starts for children  

e-mail addresses


Many thanks for all your continued support,

EYFS team


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695