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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! w/b 27.3.23

Take a look at the amazing learning we have done this week…

Read, Write Inc

This week we have been working extremely hard in our last Read, Write Inc sessions of Term 4. We have been really focussing on making sure we find the special friends first, before reading the word! After we have found the special friend we fred talk the word and the say it. For example…




Some of you may have seen comments in your child’s reading record about re-reading their reading books. We are encouraging this to help support their fluency and confidence.

In each reading folder, there is a sound card and list of red words. Any practise with these at home would be extremely helpful and support your child’s reading and writing at home.

Every morning can all children place their reading folders inside their house trays in the conservatory please :) This helps us keep track of their reading and how many books they have read. Thank you. 


This week in maths we have continued looking at fractions! We have been working hard to find fractions of a number. We used objects to help us work these out. Towards the end of the week, we practised counting in halves! We ended the week by working on our ‘working backwards’ problem-solving. We did this my finding the inverse operation and working out the calculation to find out the missing first number!


This week in RE we have continued looking at what Jesus taught us. We started the week by looking at what we can learn from the actions of Jesus. We came up with lots of ideas including; kindness, helping those in need and supporting others.

Love to Learn: 

Over the Easter break we would like for you to practice your writing skills! We would love for you to keep a diary from just one week of your Easter holidays! We would love for you to have a go at writing this all by yourselves and using your special friends to help.

This can be recorded in any way you wish :)

Other news:

Sports Project will remain on Tuesdays, as will P.E. on Thursdays.

Doors will continue to open in the morning at 8:30am. Registration will be at the slightly earlier time of 8:45am (doors close at this time)

Read at 3 - Every Friday at 3 our doors will be open for you to come in and read with your child, please note, this will be for the full 15 minutes and children should not leave any earlier. Their books will be set up and ready for you to come in and enjoy listening to their wonderful reading.

Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in our Chilton Heroes assembly and there are also individual class prizes to be won :)

Dates to remember:

Term 5 begins – Monday 17th April

Year 1 swimming starts – Thursday 20th April

Year 1 Phonics Screen Meeting with Miss Davey in Team Indigo - Tuesday 25th April 

Operation Zig-Zag (parking initiative) – 26th & 27th April

 Red, White and Blue day for the Coronation – Friday 5th May

Term 5 ends – Friday 26th May


We hope you have the most Egg-cellent Easter break!

Mrs Winchcombe, Miss Bryson, Mrs Howard and all the Year 1 team.


Mrs Poppy Winchcombe – Team Topaz –

Miss Polly Bryson – Team Aqua -


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695