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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News - 30.9.22

We are over halfway into Term 1 and the children have really settled into their classes.  Our learning is fantastic and the children are showing wonderful learning behaviours.


This week we began our new book, 'The Princess and the White Bear King'. We focused on settings this week, describing the princess's bedroom and the wintery woods. We used wonderful descriptive vocabulary to describe. Next week we will be writing character descriptions of the bear, the princess and the evil queen.


This week we have been working on subtraction. We used number lines to understand 'difference' and can use the terms more and fewer. By the end of the week we used our manipulatives to understand subtraction using place value. We will eventually be subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers so this will really support their understanding. Next week we will be learning multiplication. Here we are using our diennes to subtract...


We continued learning about the Romans in our History learning. This week we learnt that they believed in many different Gods and Goddesses. We are gaining lots of new knowledge about the past ready to show you in our celebration of learning where we create a Roman Museum for you!


The children will come home with their MyMaths login this week. They have been set a task on MyMaths with subtraction.

Follow the link above to gain access. Please get in touch if you are having difficulty accessing this online learning. We also have copies printed out if you are unable to get online. These can be completed and stuck into their love to learn books.


Mrs Cousin's group: quiz, quilt, quail, said, once, where, push

Mrs Gale/Mr Allen's group: sharp, smart, fork, storm, fairy, stairs

Miss Grassi's group: cheesy, smoky, spicy, bony, wheezy, whiny 

Mrs Ellerington's group: 



  • Children need to bring in their reading record books daily and hand in to the relevant boxes. The children should be reading three times a week.

Coming up:

Welcoming Harvest Donations from – Friday 7th October

 Harvest Donations end date - Thursday 13th October

Harvest Assemblies -Year 3 – Tuesday 18th 2:30 

Individual Photographs – Tuesday 18th October

Year 3 Celebration of learning - Wednesday 19th October at 2:45pm. Children can come dressed in Roman fancy dress. Parents can come and see what the children have been learning. 

Have a fantastic weekend,

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695