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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 11.11.22

We have had a brilliant week in Year 3 and we have renamed the Year group ‘Fraction Masters’, as they have been incredibly talented at finding equivalent fractions this week in maths!

Here is what we have been up to this week.


In English this week, we have begun reading our new text called ‘Stone Age Boy, by Satoshi Kitamura. We have been learning how to write an information text about the Stone Age. The children have identified features of an information text such as main title, subheadings, factual sentences, pictures with captions, labelled diagrams and bullet points.  We have learnt how to write an introduction using the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why) and we have been writing different sentences types – questions, statements and exclamations. Next week, we will continue our information texts by learning to write compound and complex sentences that explain and extend our ideas. We will then finish off by writing a summarising paragraph.

We have been learning some new vocabulary this week. Some of the words we have learnt are knapping, pierce, sew and scrape. Here we are having a go at napping and scraping soap and piercing paper.


In maths this week, we have been learning about equivalent fractions. We began using shapes to visualise equivalent fractions and then moved on to using a fraction wall. The children have been amazing at this and have become quite the fraction experts! Next week, we will be learning about the properties of 2D shapes and lines of symmetry on 2D shapes. Also, we will be making 3D shapes and learning to recognise 3D shapes in different orientations.


This week, in our Stone Age to Iron Age topic, we have been historians and have been learning about life in the Stone Age. The children have used secondary sources to find out that early Stone Age people were hunter gatherers and that later in the Neolithic era, they learnt how to farm. This meant that they could finally settle in one place and no longer move around from place to place. We then found out about an incredible Stone Age settlement called Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands. The children imagined that they lived in Skara Brae and wrote in role about their homes and daily life. Their writing was brilliant! Next week is anti-bullying week at Chilton.


The children have been rearranged into new spelling groups so please check with your child who their new spelling teacher is.

Words to learn:

Mrs Cousins’ group - storm, north, boring, fork, orbit

Mr Allen’s group - nicest, wetter, tidiest, funnier, scariest, slimmer

Mrs Gale’s group – shiny, breezy, spicy, lazy, curvy, simply

Love to Learn

This week, we would like you to find out about Iron Age hill forts. You can present what you find out in any way you like. You could; make a hill fort, draw or paint a hill fort and label it, write about hill forts, film a presentation about hill forts and email it to your teacher, or any other way you would like to present your findings. We look forward to seeing you learning.


  • Please could you check if you have any of the school’s reading books at home and send them back into school. Many thanks.

  • On Tuesday 29th November, the Chilton Fundraisers will be holding a 'Christmas Lantern Festival' from 3.154.15 on the school field. Mr. Redwood and the school choir will be leading the Christmas carols. There will be hot chocolate and festive cakes available, a tombola, a Christmas shop and a handful of festive games to play. On Monday 28th November, we will be having a nonschool uniform day. On this day we ask the children to bring in a bottle for our Tombola. In addition, on Monday 21st November, we will be sending a white bag home. We ask the children decorate these and add a treat to the bag, for example some sweets or crayons. We would like these brought into school on Monday 28th November, ready to be sold at the Festival on Tuesday.


  • Wednesday 23rd November – Year 3 trip to Dover museum

  • Tuesday 29th November – 3.15pm 4.15pm – Christmas Fair and Christmas Lantern Festival

  • Wednesday 14th December at 9:00 – Christmas Performance


Many thanks

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695