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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 9.12.22

We have had another brilliant week in Year 3 and have begun to get into the festive mood! The children from Tara’s musical theatre club performed in assembly on Thursday and we all thought they were amazing and very brave! If you would like to join Tara’s club, look out for the text message/email about new clubs for next term coming soon.

Here is what we have been up to this week.


In English this week, we have finished reading our story called Lila and the Secret of Rain. We have planned a 3 part story and written each section, learning to use fronted adverbials to start our sentences and to include complex sentences in our stories. The children’s writing has been OUTSTANDING this week and they should be very proud of themselves. They are making fabulous progress.

Next week in English, we will be reading and learning to write Christmas poems.


In maths this week, we have been learning about measuring length. We have been measuring and drawing lines in cm and mm, and also learning to measure larger objects in metres and cm using metre rulers. The children have learnt that 100cm = 1m, and that 1cm = 10mm. They have used this knowledge to work out that 324cm would be 3m and 24 cm and that, e.g. 3cm and 4mm is the same as 34mm. We also attempted a problem-solving task, which I have attached below called the ‘one big triangle problem’, if you would like to have a go at home. The small triangles have to be cut out a rearranged to form one larger triangle and all the numbers that face each other should add up to 10. Good luck!

Here are some photos of us measuring larger objects...

Next week in maths, we will be tackling some Christmas problem-solving tasks.


This week, in our last week of our Stone Age to Iron Age topic, we have been artists and have been learning about sculptures. The children began by giving their opinions of some prehistoric sculptures. We learnt to use the words design, shape, size, texture and colour to give reasons for their opinions. They then made their own prehistoric sculpture, deciding on the shape, size, texture and design for themselves. They look great!

Next week is RE week and the children will be learning about Hinduism and the festival of Diwali.


Words to learn:

Mrs Cousins’ group – chair, fairy, hairbrush, upstairs, airport, unfair

Mr Allen’s group – happiness, madness, foolishness, silliness, dizziness

Mrs Gale’s group – gnat, gnaw, gnome, knew, knuckle, knife

Love to Learn

This week, we would like you to write a Christmas poem. It can be a rhyming poem but, remember, not all poems have to rhyme. You may also like to decorate your Christmas poem page with some Christmas pictures.



  • Wednesday 14th December at 9:00 – Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performance in the hall

  • Thursday 15th December – Christmas party day – children may come in wearing non-school uniform.

  • Friday 16th December – Christmas dinner for those who have ordered. Children may swap their school jumper for a Christmas jumper (rest of school uniform as normal).

  • Friday 16th December - school finishes for the Christmas break at 2pm.

Parent Workshops. Punctuation and Grammar - come and learn with your child!

You are invited into our child's classroom in Term 3 to learn more about how we teach Punctuation and Grammar at Chilton Primary School.  These sessions will help you support your child's learning.  

Come and learn with your child in their class!

Sessions are 3.15-3.45pm on the following days in your child's classroom:

  • Year 3 Thursday 12th January 

  • Year 4 Tuesday 24th January

  • Year 5 Thursday 26th January

  • Year 6 Thursday 2nd February

Many thanks

Have a lovely Christmasy weekend!

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695