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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 27.1.23

We have had a brilliant week in Year 3 and really enjoyed doing some cooking! Here is what we've been up to...


This week in maths we have been adding. We began using mental maths to add 2 and 3-digit numbers. Then we used the diennes blocks to make sure we thoroughly understood what we were doing when we regroup a ten (if the ones add up to more than 9). There are some pictures of us doing this below. We finished the week using the written column method with regrouping in the ones column. Next week in maths, we will be covering mental and written methods for subtracting with regrouping.


In English this week we have planned and written our own suspense writing. The children have tried to use all of the skills we learnt last week that help to build suspense:

- Certain fronted adverbials e.g. without warning, in the blink of an eye, suddenly, barely able to breath, trembling with fear. Fronted adverbials start sentences and the children should place a comma after them.

- Short snappy sentences

- Exclamation marks and ellipsis (...)

- Choosing powerful verbs that help build the suspense e.g. glared, stared, crept, tiptoed, dashed, sprinted, whooshed

The children have done extremely well at using these and have produced some incredible writing this week. Next week, we will be learning about describing and inferring character and reading a new Anthony Browne booked called 'Gorilla'.

Thematic learning

In our unit called 'How our body works', this week we have been completing our Technology learning. We learnt in more detail about why we need to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. The children then prepared apples and went to the school kitchen to stew their apples with mixed berries and sugar. We then mixed the stewed fruit with yoghurt (and oats and raisins if the children chose to) to make a delicious fruity yoghurt. Here we are making our yoghurts.

Love to Learn

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful photos that you have sent in of the children cooking at home! We loved looking at all of them.

This week's love to learn challenge is to solve these addition calculations - you may choose whether to use mental methods or use the written column method.

  47 + 8 =           63 + 30 =             53 + 36 =             37 + 48 =           149 + 125 =          534 + 205 = 

Your writing task for this week's homework is to write 5 suspense sentences using 5 of these fronted adverbials. You can choose 5 that you like the best. Don't forget your comma!

Spellings to learn

phoning     making       baking        riding         tickling      smiling      crackling     shuffling      chuckling        rattling

Challenge words:     calendar     experience     naughty


- Friday 3rd February - Number Day 

- Tuesday 7th February - Online safety day

- Friday 10th February - end of term 3

Many thanks 

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695