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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 27th January 2023

We have had a busy and productive week in Year 5. Here is an overview of our learning:


This week, we have being diving into poetry. We have created artwork and used it to gather powerful vocabulary. Using this vocabulary, we created poems about our school and life in Chilton. Next, we used our book ‘Running On Empty’ to write an emotive poem about AJ and his Grandfather and the chocolate trainer he bought from the shopping centre. We used various poetic devices to make our poems effective and powerful.

Next week we will be continuing our voyage into poetry, looking at other poetic features to include in our writing.



Our maths focus this week was adding and subtracting fractions. We learnt that to do this, we needed to make sure that all of our denominators were the same and used our knowledge of factors to be able to convert them.

Next week we will be continuing with our quest to master fractions!


Thematic Curriculum

We have been carrying out various science experiments this week to show the process of evaporation and how we can use this process to separate materials such as water and salt. We have also looked at separating materials by filtering them and which materials are effective filters. Finally, we investigated changes in materials and whether they are reversible or irreversible such as cooking and egg or melting chocolate.

Next week we will be sowing!



Mr Mason and Mr Abel’s group: anxious, outrageous, dangerous, serious, humorous

Miss Hayzelden’s group: poisonous, generously, dangerously, calendar, sight

Mrs Comber’s group: leisure, pronunciation, queue, individual, convenience


Love To Learn

This week we would like you to either perform your favourite poem and email it to your teacher OR write your own poem and perform it.



  • Friday 3rd February – Number Day. Children are invited to come in dressed as a rockstar, superhero or anything number related. There is no expectation for children to buy a costume for this event. At 2:30pm, we will be inviting parents to come into the classrooms to undertake a problem-solving activity with their child. 

  • Friday 10th February – Last day of term 3. Children will finish school at the usual time of 3:15.

  • Our PE day is a Wednesday. Please can children come to school dressed in their school PE kit on this day.

  • Our sports project day is Tuesday. Please can children come into school on this day in full school uniform but with trainers.

  • Please encourage your child to read regularly at home and quiz using Accelerated Reader. Children should be reading for at least ten minutes four times a week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The Year 5 Team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695