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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 05.01.24

Important dates and messages

02.02.24 - NSPCC Number Day.  KS2 children to dress as rock stars (KS1 and Year R to dress as anything related to Number).  £1 voluntary contribution for NSPCC.

02.02.24 - Number Day School Disco.  Reception and KS1 3.15-4.15 – Children who wish to attend will be taken by their teachers straight to the disco at 3.15 and can be collected from their classrooms at 4.15.  

Ks2 – drop off and collection from front of school. More details will be sent out by the Chilton Fundraisers later in the term. 

06.02.24 – Online safety day Children dress to express, meaning they come in whatever they like, bright clothes, sportswear, club uniforms…. whatever makes them feel happy! 

06.02.24 Curry and Quiz school fundraiser for adults (details to arrive later)  

09.02.24 - Last day of term  

19.02.24 - Term 4 starts for children  


A message from Mrs. Cotton, Maths Lead: Just to let you know that Year 6 will compete in a TTRS battle against the other Viking schools next week. This will run from Monday 8th January to Friday 12th January. 

Next week, as part of our thematic learning, the children will watch a live dissection of an animal's heart.  They will have an opportunity to hold the heart if they wish.  If you have any questions about this, please speak to your child's class teacher.


This week, the children began our new text, Leon and the Place Between.  This is a marvellous picture book that inspires the imagination.  After predicting what we thought would happen, we role-played the beginning to the story: 4 young children enter a circus tent and are witness to an incredible magic show.  From this, we gathered vocabulary that supported us to write a setting description.





The children have really enjoyed exploring the properties of 3D shapes: On the first day back, they used straws, playdough and Magnetiles to construct their own 3D shapes after discussing their properties - how many edges, vertices and faces as well as naming them.  Even Mr. McAuley was impressed by their knowledge when he visited Year 6!  On Friday, the children visualised patterns on nets and used their problem-solving skills to work out difficult concepts.  


Thematic Curriculum

As part of our PSHE, the children were introduced to our Champion of Courage for the term: Richard Rogers.  Rogers was an architect who designed many famous buildings around the world, including the O2 and Pompidou Centre.  We studied his life and discussed the barriers that he faced throughout his life, starting with becoming a Jewish refugee at the start of World War II and then being diagnosed with Dyslexia after the birth of his first child.  We made links to our own lives and talked about the barriers that we may face in life.  We read a powerful book, The Island, which highlights the difficulties that refugees fight.

Love to Learn

Please continue to read daily for at least 10 minutes and remember to sign your reading record afterwards.  Your Love to Learn this week is to practise these spellings ready for a test next week.  Each word has a silent letter, which has been our focus this week:













Please log into mymaths as there are tasks set for you from your teacher.  We would also like to remind you that there was a MyOn task set for you just before Christmas.  

Finally, we would like you to gather photos and pictures of a circus act as part of research for our English learning.   

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695