Weekly New! 17.01.24

We have had a lovely time full of fantastic learning this week in Year 3. This included a brilliant art lesson in which the children so maturely discussed their growing opinions of art. Have a look at what we have been learning this week!
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, we continued our first Anthony Browne book this term, ‘Into the Forest’. The children began the week by forming their own retrieval-based questions to challenge their peers. We then moved on to answering comprehension and inference-based questions, really challenging the children to think more deeply about clues left by the author. Into the Forest is an adaption of the classic fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood and has hidden elements of many fairytales throughout. We therefore looked at Roald Dahl’s alternative telling of fairytales in ‘Revolting Rhymes’ and identified similarities and differences between these and the originals. We ended the week by retelling traditional fairytales that we know and considering how our version of the story differs from others.
Next week, we will be continuing with Anthony Browne as we begin our new text ‘The Tunnel’.
In English this week, we used our text ‘Into the Forest’ to describe a variety of characters that we meet in the story. We began the week by writing expanded noun phrases, mind mapping our ideas and writing full sentences to describe. Following this, we focussed on verbs to describe our character’s actions and then went further by challenging ourselves to begin effective sentences with adverbs. We finished the week by writing some truly showstopping character descriptions of Little Red Riding Hood, which included all the elements of this week’s learning.
Next week, we will begin ‘The Tunnel’.
In Maths this week we returned to Geometry focussing on 3D shapes. We began the week by identifying the properties of common 3D shapes. We then used this knowledge to model and construct our own 3D shapes out of a variety of materials. We really showed off our growing understanding by pointing out the number of vertices, edges and faces. Moving on, we were able to compare different shapes using our knowledge of these properties and finished the week by identifying 3D shapes from different orientations and perspectives.
Next week in Maths we will be returning to Fractions.
Fact of the week
Next week, the fact of the week is 4x5=20
This week we have focussed on Science with our new topic ‘How my Body Works’. We began by recapping our learning on what 7 life processed (Mrs Gren) and considered how different living things get their energy. Next, we considered what makes a balanced diet and designed our own nutritionally balanced meals. We finished the week by independently conducting research through relevant books on Myon to answer scientific questions about the diets of different animals, classifying them as herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.
Home Learning
We really enjoyed Anthony Browne’s alternative fairytale ‘Into the Forest’. To celebrate our love of traditional tales, please create a story map of any fairytale of your choice. We look forward to hearing the different versions each family knows of these traditional stories!
Other News
- Your child should now have received their new reading level. If your child has not received this yet, please ensure they bring their reading record to school on Monday so that it can be added to their book.
-Regarding trainers, there is now no trainer day. Children should only be wearing trainers on the day they have PE, where they will wear their PE kit to school.
Term 3 Dates
Tuesday 21st January 3.30-4.30 – Thrive Coffee afternoon
Wednesday 5th February – Young Voices at the O2
Thursday 6th February – Countdown assembly (KS2 only)
Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to wear a number-themed outfit and KS2 to come as Times Table Rock Stars.
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February – School Disc
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