We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the children and families and carers to Year 4.
We hope you have all had a good summer; we cannot wait to see you all tomorrow!
A few reminders and dates:
- School starts tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd September, and doors will be open from 8.30am. Doors will close for registration at 8.45am.
- In Year 4, we dismiss the children from the top playground so we will see you up there at 3.15pm.
- Year 4 will be having PE on Thursdays this term so please can the children come to school on a Thursday wearing their PE kit and trainers. Our additional PE session is on a Thursday also so, the children will already be in kit so this works perfectly!
- Home learning in Year 4 consists of a home learning task which will rotate between a thematic creative type challenge, a maths challenge or an English-based challenge. The minimum expectation for reading in Year 4 at Chilton is for the children to read at least 4 times a week. Please record each read in your child's reading record and sign. The children will have about ten spellings to learn each week - these will be put on the blog post each week so your child can practice them at home. We also ask that the children try to practice TTRS (Times Tables Rockstars) at home as often as possible.
The spellings that we are learning this week are accident, accidentally, actual, actually, appear, address, answer, arrive, although.
- Mrs Tammaro teachers Team Royal on a Thursday and Team Indigo on a Friday so any messages that need to be sent to the class teachers on these days, please email Mrs Tammaro.
Our email addresses are below; please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need to.
Next week's blog post will give you lots of information about the learning for this term.
See you all tomorrow!
Mrs Cousins, Mr Oxley and Mrs Tammaro