Weekly News! 06.09.2024

What a week! It has been fantastic seeing all of Year 4’s faces again and to see how much they’ve grown in only 6 weeks! Both Team Royal and Team Indigo have worked incredibly hard this week and given everything their best shot.
In Maths this week, we have been looking at place values and ordering numbers up to 10,000. We got out the dienes and place value counters to be able to get a real sense of how such big numbers are made up and how we can break down and partition them in different ways. We also discussed how a digit is different to a number in the same way that a letter is different to a word. The digits are 0-9 and are used to make up all our numbers. For example, 68 is written using the digits 6 and 8.
Next week in Maths we will be continuing to work on place value as this will ensure we have a strong foundation for the rest of the year.
We have started off Year 4 by reading Gregory Cool by Caroline Binch. It is about a boy who goes to visit his family in Tobago and is miserable due to the heat and many differences to his home. As we have read on though, he does seem to be finding many things to love about his family’s culture. In our writing we have been working on creating interesting setting descriptions using expanded noun phrases (the sweltering, unbearable heat), similes (as hot as an oven) and verbs & adverbs (Gregory swam happily).
Next week we will be putting all these skills together in our Showpiece to create what we are sure will be amazing and engaging setting descriptions.
In PSHE this week we have been discussing our Chilton Values and how we can make our school a better place. We have talked about what it means to be Respectful, Courageous, Kind and to treat people Equally and what type of school we would have if we all ignored these values.
Year 4 have created Top Trump cards of themselves and rated themselves against these values. These cards will soon be seen on a lovely new display that you can look out for during the Harvest assembly coming up soon.
This week we are focusing on adding the prefix in- to root words.
Our spelling words this week are:
Invisible, inhuman, incapable, independent, inconvenient, incomplete, incorrect, inexpensive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe.
The spelling test each week is on Wednesday, so get practising.
Love to Learn
Each week the children will have a Love to Learn task to complete. These will often be open to interpretation, and we encourage the children to complete these in a way that is most engaging to them. Some children prefer to type and then print off the work, others prefer to write in coloured pens or pencils. The focus is to encourage a love of learning outside of the classroom and creating something that they are proud of.
Our love to learn task this week is to decorate the front of your Love to learn book.
Get as creative as you like with this! You can put photos of yourself and/or things that matter to you on. You can cut and stick pictures from newspapers or magazines, you can draw a beautiful piece of art or watch some font/graffiti writing videos tutorials online and write your name in a cool way. It’s your Love to Learn book so let us see your personality shine.
Please return the books by Thursday next week.
Dates to remember:
Wednesday 18th September – EHCP talk for parents at 9am in school hall
Wednesday 2nd October – 9am Year 4 and 5 Harvest assembly for parents
Saturday 5th October – Cross Country
Tuesday 8th October – Flu vaccines
Friday 11th October – Fancy dress Disco Year R, 1 and 2 3.15-4.15pm and Year 4, 5 and 6 4.30pm-5.30pm
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children
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