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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 27.09.2024

Here we are, halfway through our first term. Year 4 have been working incredibly hard so far and we are so proud of their efforts and attitude.


In Maths this week, we have been working on subtracting 4-digit numbers. Just like in addition it is important to understand that 10 ones equals 1 ten, 10 tens equals 1 hundred and 10 hundreds equals 1 thousand. We begun by answering questions that required no exchanges between place value columns and ended the week by subtracting from numbers with lots of zeroes like 5000 – 3491(that’s a lot of exchanging).

Next week we will looking at multiplication using the column method (short multiplication).


In English this week, we have begun to read ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We have drawn pictures of the Iron Man and wrote descriptions of him using expanded noun phrases (the enormous, intimidating giant), verbs and adverbs (he stomped loudly), similes (his feet were as big as a single bed) and superlatives (the biggest/the most terrifying). For those who have seen the film ‘The Iron Giant’, there are plenty of similarities and some stark differences that will be seen as we read further into the book.

Next week we will be continuing on with the story and exploring new ways and vocabulary to make our writing even more engaging.


This week in Thematic we learned how to plan a fair experiment. We planned to drop an object onto a symbol and record the volume of the sound. We wanted to see if changing the height that the object was dropped would affect how loud the sound was. Year 4 discussed how we could keep the experiment fair and how to ensure that any change in volume that we measured would be solely due to the change in height. We also discussed our predictions, what we thought might happen.

When it came to the experiment itself, we found that the higher the object was dropped from, the louder the sound was. Interestingly, both Team Royal and Team Indigo both recorded that the sound was quieter at 150cm that at 100cm.

We also spent one of our thematic lessons learning about how different countries celebrate their harvest festivals. We won’t give any clues here though, as we will tell you all about it next week!


This week’s spellings are focusing on words ending in -sure

treasure, measure, pleasure, closure, exposure, enclosure, century, certain, circle

Challenge words are: leisure

Love to Learn

You love to learn task this week is an English task. We would like you to draw a picture of a character from your favourite book (or film) and then write a description of what that character looks like, how they speak, move, talk etc.

If you want to go a step further, describe where they live.

Write your description in full sentences and show us your wonderful adjectives, verbs and adverbs and similes.

Harvest information

Later this term, we will be celebrating Harvest. As part of this, we would like to invite families in to watch our Harvest Assembly. These will take place in the school hall on the following dates:

Tuesday 1st October: 9am Year R and 1 and 2.45pm Year 2 and 3

Wednesday 2nd October: 9am Year 4 and 5 and 2.45pm Year 6

Please enter the school via the main school office.

As part of the celebrations, we will also be collecting food that we will be donating to Thanet Food Bank. We will be taking donations between Wednesday 25th September and Monday 30th September. If you are able to donate, the food bank accepts any tinned, jarred or packet foods that are in date. As a celebration of the donations all children will be entered into a draw to win last years' celebration teddy bears, Kenneth and Susan.

Dates to remember

Wednesday 2nd October – 9am Year 4 and 5 Harvest assembly for parents

Wednesday 2nd October – 2.45pm Year 6 Harvest assembly for parents

Saturday 5th October – Cross Country

Tuesday 8th October – Flu vaccines

Friday 11th October – Fancy dress Disco Year 1, 2 and 3 from 3.15-4.15pm and Year 4, 5 and 6 4.30pm-5.30pm

Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.15pm

Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children


Many thanks

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cousins, Mr Oxley and Mrs Tamarro


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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695