Weekly news! 06.09.2024
Firstly, we want to say a HUGE well done to all the new reception children. They have all shown such wonderful eagerness to get stuck in and have hit the ground running. The children have been learning how to use equipment in each area of the classroom and outside area, as well as how we tidy up when we’ve finished. The children have been learning hand signals that we use during carpet time. These are, Hand up if they have a question, hands crossed when they have an answer, hands on their head with they agree and hands on their shoulders if they disagree. The children have been using these during carpet time and are showing great confidence when sharing their thoughts and ideas with their peers. We read a story called ‘Oh no, George!’ Which is all about a dog who does the wrong thing but, learns that he can turn it around and make the right choices- it all made us giggle! Lastly, thank you to the parents/careers for keeping on top of things- we know that there is a lot to remember! We will keep you updated with texts, emails, the information boards outside the classrooms and we will be updating the blog every Friday!
Read Write Inc
Next week, we start Read Write Inc. The sessions are whole class to start, then in Term 2 the children will be put into smaller groups. In the sessions, we start by playing games which encourage the children to listen to sounds in words as well as how to say sounds they will be hearing in the sessions such as ‘a, a, apple’ or ‘b,b,boot’ Later, introduce a sound a day (see chart below)
This is short video on what Read Write Inc is all about: How the Read Write Inc. phonics works - a parent/carer’s guide (youtube.com)
We will be sending home a small pink sound book. In the book is the sound the children have been learning that day. We ask that you look at the sound with your child and practice writing it on the page so that they get to revise it to help them retain the sounds.
In Maths, we will be learning to subitise numbers to 5. This means being able to look at a number of objects and know how many there are without counting. The children will be practicing this skill by using objects and working in small groups throughout the week.
Next week, we will be reading the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and discussing our feelings. We will be exploring our feelings charts in the classroom and practice moving our very own colour monsters to best suit how we are feeling feeling, whether that be happy, excited, calm, angry, cross, frustrated, sad, lonely or confused. This is a tool we encourage the children to use throughout the year so that we can identify their feelings and can encourage the children to be in tune with how they feel and strategies to use their emotions.
Other news:
Thank you for all the wonderful home learning you have been doing during the holidays. It is so lovely to see what you have been up to, and the children will be sharing these books with their classes very soon (they are all very eager too)!
Please can you encourage your children to change their books in the morning and pop them in the baskets provided. Thank you!

Key dates:
Wednesday 18th September – EHCP talk for parents at 9am in school hall
Friday 27th September 2:45 reading meeting for reception parents
Tuesday 1st October- harvest assembly for year R and 1 starting at 9:00
Friday 11th October – Fancy dress Disco Year R, 1 and 2 3.15-4.15pm and Year 4, 5 and 6 4.30pm-5.30pm
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children
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