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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 18.10.19

We have reached the end of term 1 and it's hard to believe the children have been in Year 3 for 7 weeks already. They have had an incredible term where they have all worked extremely hard so we would like to wish them a restful and fun half term break.


In English this week we have been learning about an Ancient Greek myth called The Story of Athena and Medusa. We have focussed on character descriptions this week and have learnt how to describe both appearance and personality. In this myth, Medusa, a very vain and foolish girl, is turned into a hideous monster with hair of snakes, so she made a fantastic character for us to describe! We enjoyed thinking of verbs and adjectives to describe the snake hair such as hissing, writhing, slithering, rattling and revolting, vicious, scaly, smooth. We have also focussed a lot on how we should start sentences when describing characters so that we didn't keep starting with she/her/Medusa. We used some fantastic sentence openers such as;

On top of her head, she has...

All over her body, Medusa has...

Slithering frantically,....

Angrily biting, the snakes......


In maths this week the children have learnt to apply their skills in the 4 operations ( +, -, x, ÷ ) to solve word problems. They remembered how to use the bus stop method brilliantly for the division problems but found the grid method for multiplication a little trickier so we spent more time practising this.


In topic we have been thinking about the effect that humans can have on the environment, learning about how island hopping has impacted on some islands in Thailand. The children were able to show opposing viewpoints for this problem.

We have then had a very arty rest of the week where we have used watercolour paints to create an island sunset silhouette postcard, used batik technique to create a fish picture, and thought about scale to create an island stamp.


Monday 28th October is a staff development day so we will look forward to seeing the children back after half term on Tuesday 29th October.

Open class sessions where you can see your children's amazing work and Parent Teacher consultations will be held in term 2 (dates and information to follow soon).

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695