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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 10.1.20

Welcome back to Term 3! We hope that you all had enjoyable and restful breaks.

We have started term 3 with a bang and the children have been really busy learning already!


In maths this week we have revisited place value. The children have been showing the value of each digit in numbers e.g. in 382, there are 3 hundreds, 8 tens and 2 ones, this can be written as 382=300+80+2. They have also been trying to partition a certain number in lts of different ways e.g. 856 can be partitioned into 800+ 50+6. However, it can be partitioned in different ways like this; 856 = 400+400+50+6 or 856 = 200+200+100+50+50+200+40+10+6. We then completed the week by comparing and ordering number using our place value knowledge. We used comparison signs (<   >   =  ) to compare numbers and write numbers in order from largest to the smallest or vice versa. E.g. 372 > 327.


In English this week we have been learning how to write an information text. Their texts will be written about the Stone Age as we will be learning all this in our new topic Scavengers and Settlers. The children have been organising their writing into sections using sub-headings. They began by learning how to write a good introduction to an information text using the 4 Ws - who, what, where, when, and by only including general information about the Stone Age.  We then moved on to learn how to include a variety of sentence types in our non-fiction writing - statements, questions and exclamation sentences. Finally, we finished off the week by composing compound and complex sentences to use in our information texts.


Our school value that we are learning about this term is courage. We have found out about the Jamaican Bob Sled team who took part in the qualifying stages of the 1968 Calgary Winter Olympics. They have helped us to learn about how we can be courageous by never giving up, following our dreams and achieving our goals.


Please see this term's curriculum map on this website under >Curriculum  >Curriculum documents.

Please remember that on Thursday 13th January we are going on our trip to Dover Museum. The children need to bring a packed lunch unless you have indicated on the return slip that you require a school packed lunch from the kitchen.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695