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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday Home Learning 27.3.20

Good morning Year 3! It's Friday! You've made it through your first week of home learning. Well done to everyone who has been doing some learning every day this week!

We hope you are all well and keeping safe at home or at school. Mrs Mason and Mrs Cousins are missing you all so much and are really enjoying receiving your emails or seeing your learning on #chiltonhomelearning.

Here's your learning for today:


Reading: Read chapter 5 of ‘Cornflake Coin’. Use the book review sent home (or download the review below) to write a review of ‘Cornflake Coin’.

Writing: Today we’d like you to imagine that you are Matt Thorn and write a recount of the day of the prize giving assembly. Write in the first person. Show how you felt while you were waiting, how you felt when Kerry was announced as the winner and how you felt afterwards on the way back to class. Use your fronted adverbials to begin sentences.

You could start:

Today was the worst day ever! In the assembly hall, we were all waiting for the winner to be announced. Just then, the lady from the newspaper stood up and I waited or my name to be called.


Today, using your knowledge of units of time, you will compare units of time with comparison signs (the crocodile symbols and equals).

Remember   < means less than

> means more than

= means equals

So if we compare   3 weeks and a fortnight, we can put a > between them like this:

                                    3 weeks > fortnight (because a fortnight is only 2 weeks so is less)

For 120 seconds compared to 2 minutes, we would need to use an equals as they are the same.              120 seconds = 2 minutes

Use this information to complete the challenge attached that best suits your level.


Today we'd like you to find out about the force called friction. Open the friction powerpoint below and read through the learning points.

Then have a go at completing the sheet called 'Advantages and disadvantages of friction'. You will need to think about whether friction is helpful or not helpful for the objects in the pictures. The answers are on the second page so use these if you get really stuck or if you want to check your answers at then end. 


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695