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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Monday 3rd May - Home Learning

Hello Year 3! It's hard to believe we're actually in May now! Did you have a nice weekend? We hope so.

Here is a link to a yoga session that shows you how to do the Spiderman pose! It's very exciting and quite challenging.


This week we will be reading a brilliant story called ‘Finn MacCool and The Giant’s Causeway’. You can read the book on oxford owl e books (registering is very quick and free). You can register and read the books here


I would like you to read up to 7 and predict what Finn might do next? Will he carry on or will her run away? Explain your prediction fully, not just a one sentence answer.



We are going to be revisiting play scripts this week. Remember, some of the features that we must include at the beginning of a play script are the title of the play, the character list and the scene title.


For example:

Finn McCool: A play

Character list:

Finn McCool


Oona McCool


Scene 1: Angus Challenges Finn


Today, all I would like you to do is write all of these features at the beginning of your play script and set the scene with the narrator. The narrator needs to introduce the characters and describe what is happening up to the point that Finn and Angus start to shout to each other. Don’t start the dialogue yet.


For example:

Narrator: A long time ago, in Ireland, there was once a giant named Finn McCool. He was very strong an often boasted that he was the greatest giant of them all. Across the sea in Scotland lived another giant called Angus. He was also very strong but also very angry. When he heard that Finn had been boasting that he was the strongest giant he decided to challenge Finn.



In maths this week we are going to be learning about multiplication and division. Some of you have been practising your times tables on TTRS and your rapid recall of these times tables facts is very fast so this will really help you this week.

Today we will practice multiplying using short multiplication (column method for multiplying).

Here is a reminder of how to use this method to multiply:


Here are your steps to success:

  • Write out the calculation in columns
  • Multiply the ones
  • Regroup any tens
  • Multiply the tens (remember to add on any regrouped underneath)
  • Regroup any hundreds
  • Multiply the hundreds and thousands if you have any and regroup
  • Read the final answer

If this is too tricky, you can practice multiplying 1 digit numbers such as 7 x 5 = Remember hold up 7 fingers and count in 5s. You will count up to 35 so this is the answer. You can practise this by doing the Wow challenge attached below.


We will be continuing with our topic called Flower Power this week.

Today we will look at what all plants need to grow. Read the information below.

There are 2 good BBC bitesize videos that also explain what plants need to grow. The second link also has an online activity to have a go at after the video.  Watch these: 

Now have a go at the plant growth activites attached below.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695