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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 6.9.19

What an amazing first week the children in Year 3 have had! They have begun the year showing their teachers fantastic learning behaviours and have already been producing some excellent pieces of work. Well done Team Sapphire and Team Cornflower, you've made an excellent start.

Please refer to this blog every Friday for information about what your child has been learning, general messages and home learning information.


In English this week we have begun our writing unit about Adventure stories, quests and myths. Our first text is 'The Princess and the White Bear King' by Tanya Robyn Batt. We have read the beginning of the story and identified interesting descriptive language. We have been learning how to use adjectives in expanded noun phrases to describe characters appearances and using verbs and adverbs to describe how characters move. E.g. Rapidly, the bear raced through the silent, snowy forest. On the end of his muscular, strong arms, the bear has sharp, black claws.


In maths we have started the year by looking at number and place value. The children have built on their understanding of number from year 2 by reading and writing numbers in both digits and words. They have learnt how to partition numbers in their place value parts e.g. 384 = 300 + 80 + 4. The children have then moved on to learn how to partition a single number in many different ways. E.g. 384 = 100+100+100+80+4 and 384 = 150+150+40+40+4  and  384 = 300+70+10+2+2. Some of the children have been using the base ten blocks to support their learning with this.

Love to Learn

The children will bring home their Love to Learn books on Friday. For their first challenge we would like them to decorate their Love to Learn book to reflect their likes and interests. Please could they also write their name clearly somewhere on the front cover.


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695