School Tours for Reception Places in September 2024
We have tours running throughout the week between from 10th October in to January. Please call our office on 01843 597695 and we will be happy to arrange your tour at a convenient time.
Applications for Reception in 2024 must be submitted to the Local Authority by 15th January 2024.
If we are over-subscribed and unable to welcome your child in to Chilton Primary School, why not consider one of our partner schools within the Viking family...We have two additional schools in our Trust
Places will be offered in accordance with the following criteria (please see our Admissions Policy for full details):
1. Children in Local Authority Care or Previously in Local Authority Care
2. Children of staff
3. Children with a sibling attending the school at the time of application.
4. Health, Social and Special Access Reasons (Medical).
5. Nearness of Children’s Homes to School
We have waiting lists for year groups which are currently full. The criteria above is used to rank applicants on waiting lists. To make an application to one of our existing cohorts, please complete an 'In Year Admissions Form' and return to the school office. Please click this link to access the form (re-directs to Kent Local Authority website) - IN YEAR ADMISSION FORM.
If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2024, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Tuesday, 16 April 2024). You needed to submit your appeal before Tuesday14 May 2024 for it to be considered by Tuesday 16th July 2024. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.
For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education. Please click HERE for Kent advice on making an appeal for a school place.
Please note: Chilton Primary School received eight appeals for admission in September 2023, none of which were successful.
The law limits the size of an infant class (reception and years 1 and 2) to a maximum of 30 pupils per teacher (there are exceptions to this rule for certain limited categories of children). As such, it’s unlikely that the panel would uphold the appeal on that basis. It’s important that parents recognise this before investing what can be a significant amount of time and effort in an infant class size appeal. Before you make your decision to appeal you should think carefully about your reasons for appeal and be realistic about the likely outcome.
Full details on infant class size appeals can be foundHERE.