Weekly News! 24.1.25

We have made it to the halfway point in the term. Three more weeks of fantastic learning to go!
This week in RWI we continue learning our set 2 sounds and reviewing our set 1 sounds. As the term progresses, most groups are focusing on reading in our groups including RED words. ‘You can’t Fred a red!’ Red words do not follow the rules, and we have to work out which part is being naughty. We learn these and practice speedily reading them. Please continue to read at home with your child, it really is helping to support their learning at school.
Our learning this week has been the composition of numbers 4 and 5. We continued using a part part whole model to identify how to break a number into parts. Our challenge was to find more than 2 parts eg 5 is made up of 2 and 2 and 1. Once we were confident to speedily recall the composition of numbers 1-5, we had an extra challenge. We had to ‘conceptually subitise.’ This is using our subitising skills to see 2 parts and know the total eg ‘I notice there are 2 here and 2 here, and I know that 2 and 2 makes 4. We were blown away with the children’s recall of number facts and subitising.
At the end of the week, we spent time on the skill 'visualising.' We had to look at a picture and recreate it.
Next week in maths we are comparing numbers.
Our learning this week has been based on the book Evil Pea Rules. As a class, we created a story map. We used this to retell the story in our talk partners. The children used props to retell the story, and discussed the feelings of the different characters throughout. Using the story from last week ‘Supertato, Run, Veggies, Run,’ we compared the two books. We explored similarities and differences between them. Once we had decided what/ who was the same we were able to create our own Supertato story. Team Ocean created a story where Evil Pea disguised himself as a blueberry to trick the veggies. He then pushed the carrot towards their soup, luckily Supertato was there to save the day and popped Evil Pea back into the freezer.
Next week we will be exploring the story Eliot Midnight Superhero.
PE kits need to be worn in to school each Thursday please.
Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.
All clothing to be named please!
Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books. If you need more sheets please ask your class teacher.