Weekly News! 20.12.24

We have had such a wonderful time this term full of wintery, festive fun and learning. Our trip to the Church for our Christmas performance was a particular highlight and we were truly overwhelmed to see how many loving family members arrived to support the children. Thank you so very much for your generous donations of food our Christmas Party! It has been a fabulous final week, and we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas!
From the Year 3 Team
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, we read through a beautiful winter poem and used a variety of skills to answer different questions, covering vocabulary, inference, explanation and retrieval.
Next term we will be beginning our new text, ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne.
In English this week, we finished our learning on ‘The Princess and the White Bear King’ and completed our
beautifully detailed and imaginative narratives based on the story. We also had the chance to write our own Christmas stories!
Next term we will be beginning our new text, ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne using this to write setting descriptions using prepositions and noun phrases.
In Maths this week we continued our learning on Angles. We learnt how to compare angles, specifically focussing on right, acute and obtuse angles. We also explored how angles can be properties of shapes and identified them in both regular and irregular polygons. We are so impressed with the children’s learning of their 3 times tables this term, next term we will begin looking at our 4 times tables.
Next term in Maths we will begin the term with Place Value.
Fact of the week
Next week, the fact of the week is 9x3=27
This week we focussed our learning on the Hindu festival Diwali. We began by learning the story of Rama and Sita, discussing the meanings of the story. Following this we looked at the Diya and its importance in the
Diwali story. We finished the week by looking at Rangoli patterns and the purpose behind making them. We even got to create our own designs!
Home Learning
For this week’s home learning, we would like for the children and yourselves to have a well-earned rest, enjoy family time and have fun together. Merry Christmas!
Monday 6th January – All children back into school at the normal time
Friday 10th January – Polly Billington MP is visiting Chilton
Tuesday 21st January 3.30-4.30 – Thrive Coffee afternoon
Wednesday 5th February – Young Voices at the O2
Thursday 6th February – Countdown assembly (KS2 only)
Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to wear a number themed outfit and KS2 to come as Times Table Rock Stars.
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February – School Disco
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