Weekly News 17.01.25

In Maths this week, the children have been multiplying and dividing fractions and then solving problems on this. Although the steps are relatively simple, applying that understanding has been a challenge and the children worked hard to grasp the skill. Next week, we will continue our knowledge of fractions and link them to decimals. We will convert between the two and comprehend that they are the same.
The children have astounded their teachers with their incredible action writing this week! After reading more of our text, 'Leon and the Place Between', we have thought carefully about our powerful verbs and adverbs to engage the reader and to write about exciting circus acts, like fire breathers, trapeze artists, jugglers and the Wheel of Death! Next week, our writing will focus more on figurative language as Leon takes himself into a magic realm...
Speaking of all things magical, we thoroughly enjoyed performing our magic tricks to each other. Here is a selection of some of the fun we had:
After considering our Big Question, 'What is the impact of living an unhealthy lifestyle and why?', we started to understand how the heart works. We were able to label the heart and find out which way the blood travelled in the circulatory system. This system is made up of the pulmonary system (heart and lungs) and systemic system (heart and rest of the body). We also became experts in our two scientists this term (Donald Palmer and William Harvey) and shared what we had learned about them with each other. On Friday, we also dissected a lamb's heart. Some children wanted to handle the hearts (with gloves) to take a closer look. This lesson really helped them to see how the heart works as an organ.
In art, we also continued to practise the skill of quilling. Although this took a lot of patience, the children are improving in the skill of quilling.
Love to Learn
We absolutely loved sharing our wonderful magic tricks and performances with each other; some children were brave enough to perform in front of the whole year group too. This week, please log in to MyOn as your teacher has set 2 tasks for you. One is a text about the human body and the other is specifically about the circulatory system. Once you have read the texts, please quiz on them to help your team reach the 150 quiz target we have set this term!
We would also like you to learn these words, which we have focused on this week, all including 'ie' or 'ei'. There will be a test next week.
receive |
achieve |
ceiling |
deceive |
thieves |
chief |
receipt |
eighty |
inconceivable |
niece |